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hi I'm Keely

I'm a National Academy Sports Medicine (NASM) certified personal trainer working in Oakland, CA.


I believe that personal training is inherently intimate, embracing the profound connection between the mind and body. I've guided clients of all ages, from teens to seniors, in cultivating a deeper relationship with themselves through movement. My approach integrates mobility, flexibility, and resistance training, aiming not only to address pain management, prevent injuries, and improve posture but also to empower you to feel stronger in every aspect.

my story

I love connecting with others and unraveling the unique stories that make us who we are.


My enthusiastic curiosity led to a BA in Journalism, only to discover the pragmatic pull of stability in the bustling Bay Area tech scene post-graduation. I lived in constant highs and lows that often spiraled into shame, and struggled with body dysmorphia.


The turning point arrived in 2018 when my dad suffered a minor stroke, and my tech job granted me just one day off. Witnessing a loved one confront their mortality stirred a profound reflection on my own life. I decided to transition into personal training.


Since then, I’ve become deeply interested in working with individuals who feel stuck. I know what it feels like to have the “shoulds” creep into your mind. My approach is gentle, educational, and curious. I meet you where you are that day, and I believe in creating a fun, sustainable routine for my clients.


Currently, I enjoy lifting and roller skating, and have dabbled in aerial silks, acro yoga, and boxing. When I'm not doing fitness, you can often find me laughing uncontrollably at inappropriate memes, being a domestic servant to my fur baby cats Smokey Turkey (yes that’s his name) and Ninja, and slowly killing my plants with my desperate love and attention.


Join me in savoring the joy of being present in our own lives. Let's make each workout an adventure in well-being!


Bachelors of Art Communication

NASM Certified Personal Trainer

CPR & AED Certified

TRX Foundations Training

Z-health Essentials 




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